I know there are tons of spool holders online but I didn’t really like any of them so I decided to design my own. I’m aware that spools come in different widths and sizes so I’m going to go ahead and let you know that I mostly use Paramount 3D filament and this spool holder was designed with the dimensions of their spools. That being said, I have several other brands of filament spools that also seem to fit this spool holder no problem.
If you scroll down a little, you’ll see the printed product. The filament I uses Pantone color codes which makes it easy to replicate as material in Fusion360 when designing so that I can get a pretty accurate view of how everything will look when its printed.
For those of you who are interested, I’ve go links to the filaments I used below:
The only materials you’ll need besides the filament to print the parts are 4 608ZZ – 8mm bore bearings. The v-wheels are press fit onto the bearings so if you have a vise you can use that to help you get them on, otherwise I can recommend a rubber mallet and if you don’t have that you can use a hammer but be sure to use a piece of wood or some other solid material and don’t hammer directly on the plastic or the bearings.
I’ve been toying with the idea of selling these holders online so if there’s enough interest I will list them for sale.
There’s a 3D view of the spool holder below, you can use your mouse wheel to zoom in / out and you can click and drag to rotate.
[canvasio3D width=”500″ height=”500″ border=”1″ borderCol=”#F6F6F6″ dropShadow=”0″ backCol=”#CCCCCC” backImg=”…” mouse=”on” rollMode=”off” rollSpeedH=”0″ rollSpeedV=”0″ objPath=”https://diychris.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/3D-Filament-Holder-v3-Assembly.stl” objScale=”.4″ objColor=”#333333″ lightSet=”7″ reflection=”off” refVal=”5″ objShadow=”off” floor=”off” floorHeight=”42″ lightRotate=”off” vector=”off” mousewheel=”on” Help=”off”] [/canvasio3D]
Here’s a download of all the files you need to print this.
Instructions are pretty straight forward but just for the sake of having them here:
- Print 8 of the Spool Holder Bearing Washer
- Print 2 of the Spool Holder Base
- Print 2 of the Spool Holder Bearing Mount
- Print 4 of the Spool Holder Bearing Axis
- Print 4 of the Spool Holder V-Wheels
- Press the V-Wheels onto the 608zz bearings
- For each bearing / v-wheel combo, use 1 washer on each side and slide that into the Bearing Mount
- Proceed by sliding in the Bearing Axis, its a pretty tight fit so you may need to use a vise or hammer to get it all the way through.
If there are any questions / suggestions please feel free to leave comments below.
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